Topical Index of Questions (A through E)
Questions on these topics have been asked, and the answers are available by following the links. All information identifying the questioner has been omitted. If you have another question, or want to ask more about the answers given, you may ask by using the form at my Ask Me page.
[Go to unclassified list of questions.][go to Index F-L][go to Index M-R][go to Index S-Z]
- Abandon
- What can a spouse do if the other spouse insists on leaving?
- Why don't you list abandonment and other biblical reasons for divorce?
- Abortion
- What does the Bible say about abortion?
- Would it be wrong for a doctor to destroy embryos collected for in vitro fertilization?
- Abuse
- Does the Bible say a woman must stay with an abusive husband?
- Acting
- What does the Bible say about being an actor? Can I play someone who sins onstage?
- Adam
- Does the Bible teach we all have a sin nature, and, if so, where did it come from?
- If Adam and Eve were the first people, did they commit incest?
- Was Adam married to Lilith before Eve? Why did some Popes change the Bible?
- Why didn't God give Adam and Eve a second chance, like he later gave Israel?
- Adam's apple
- Is the Adam's Apple from Adam choking on the forbidden fruit?
- Accountable
- At what age does a child become accountable for his sins?
- If Christians sins are forgiven, will we give an account of our lives at the judgement?
- Add
- Does the Bible say to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is silent?
- Addiction
- How do I deal with an addiction?
- If a man's addiction to porn keeps him from having sex with his wife, is that marital infidelity that would justify divorce?
- Since addictive chemicals come from plants God created, can they be used in moderation?
- Where can I find what the Bible says about intolerance, bigotry, obsession, addiction, enslavement?
- Adultery
- Does the Bible encourage incest and adultery, as my mother says?
- Does the Bible say a woman can't divorce an adulterous husband?
- I am in a bad marriage to a porn addict. Can I get a divorce for adultery in the heart?
- If a man's addiction to porn keeps him from having sex with his wife, is that marital infidelity that would justify divorce?
- If a man leaves his wife for another, should he go back to the first wife?
- If a person divorces, and then finds out the spouse was unfaithful, can the person remarry?
- If an unbeliever was divorced, became a believer, then remarried, is the marriage scriptural?
- If God hates divorce, is allowing it for adultery a compromise on God's part?
- Was Boaz divorced before he married Ruth? Wouldn't that be adultery?
- What does the Bible say about flirting?
- What does the Bible say about infidelity? About being on the path to righteousness?
- What does the Bible say about jealousy?
- What does God say about adultery and divorce?
- What is a wife to do if a husband keeps committing adultery?
- What is the spirit of Jezebel, and can it control a person?
- When Jesus said lust was the same as adultery, does than only apply to married people?
- Why don't you list abandonment and other biblical reasons for divorce?
- Age
- A friend says the Bible gives a man's life span as 70 years; I say it says 120 years. Which is right?
- Some people live to 130 years. Did the Bible lie about lifespans being 120 years?
- Age of earth
- Why did you say the ice ages were 14,000 years ago when Genesis says the earth is only 6,000 years old?
- Aide
- Does the Bible authorize Pastor's Aides or Pastor Aide Societies?
- Are AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases a punishment for homosexuality?
- Alcohol
- If it is bad to get drunk, how do you explain Proverbs 31:6-7?
- What does the Bible say about drinking/drunkenness? Why don't Christians agree on what it says?
- Allah
- You were wrong to say that God and Allah are not the same?
- Alphaeus
- Is Levi, among the apostles, James rather than Matthew?
- Amen
- What is the meaning of "amen?"
- Angels
- Does Satan have angels?How can you say that Lucifer is not Satan? Lucifer is the Antichrist incarnate.
- How do people become angels?
- I think I can see my guardian angel. What do you think about this?
- Is Lucifer a beautiful angel, as my teachers tell me?
- The Bible forbids talking to the dead. What about talking to angels?
- What does the Bible say about the twice-fallen, angels who were cast from both heaven and hell?
- What does the Bible say about war between fallen angels and God's host?
- When Jesus preached to the "spirits in prison" to whom does this refer; fallen angels or men?
- Who are the archangels and where are they in the Bible?
- Who, if anybody, cast Satan out of heaven?
- Who were the 24 elders in Revelation? What kind of angel will I be?
- Anoint
- What does the anointing mean to us?
- Answer
- how do I know God is answering my prayers?
- Antichrist
- How can you say that Lucifer is not Satan? Lucifer is the Antichrist incarnate.
- Is an article about prophecies of the end of the world correct?
- Is Zechariah 11:17 a description of the Antichrist? Does the Bible give his genealogy?
- The Bible says the Antichrist will come before the Great Tribulation. Why do you say the Revelation is about the past?
- Animals
- Are the unclean animals Noah took on the ark the same as unclean animals under the Law of Moses?
- How can you say there are no animals that engage in homosexual behavior?
- Is it a sin to kill a bug, since God says not to kill?
- Was leviathan a real beast or only a symbolic answer to Job?
- Where do animals go when they die?
- Will God let my pet be with me in heaven?
- Apocrypha
- Were the books sometimes called the Apocrypha originally part of the Bible?
- Apostle
- Is Levi, among the apostles, James rather than Matthew?
- Was Ananias an apostle, since he laid hands on Paul and Paul received the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
- Appearance
- What does the Bible say about our appearance and its influence?
- Approval
- How can you say to love homosexuals? Associating with them is approving of their actions.
- Ark
- Are the unclean animals Noah took on the ark the same as unclean animals under the Law of Moses?
- Has Noah's ark been found?
- Where does the Bible say a man was killed by touching the ark of the covenant?
- Arrest
- Why was Jesus arrested?
- Arsenokoites
- I think most people's interpretations of the passages on homosexuality are wrong.
- Ascend
- If only the Son of Man has ascended to heaven, where are Elijah and Enoch?
- Ashamed
- I am a new Christian. How do I get over being ashamed because I don't know the songs or where to find things in the Bible?
- Assembly
- Do I have to go to church to be saved? Do I have to confess to a priest?
- Does the Bible say the worship should be orderly? Some congregations seem to have no order of worship.
- Is it a sin to miss assemblies of the church?
- Some people say we shouldn't have evening worship services. What does the Bible say?
- The church is a place of worship full of hypocrites. I don't have to go to church to be where Jesus is.
- Todays churches do more to drive people away from the Christian religion. Is it a sin not to go to church?
- What are your thoughts about separate children's worship?
- What is a woman's role in the church? What can she do or not do?
- What is the role of children in worship? Should they be given their own worship assembly?
- Why did Jesus go to synagogue on Fridays?
- Associations
- A woman says that if I see my daughter an evil spirit will come on me? What can I do?
- Do I have to associate with Christians, even if they are hypocrites?
- How can you say to love homosexuals? Associating with them is approving of their actions.
- If I am not to associate with worldly people how can I teach them?
- My friend is bisexual and talks against religion. Should I stop associating with her?
- My neighbor has become less friendly to me? What does the Bible say I should do?
- Should we not associate in the church with a divorced person who has married again?
- Athletes
- What does the Bible say about sports? About the image of athletes today?
- Attendance
- How can I get back to where I feel like studying the Bible and attending worship?
- If my parents ground me, should I miss church just to obey them?
- Is it a sin to miss assemblies of the church?
- What does the Bible say about discriminating against churches?
- Would it be wrong for me to attend a "conservative" church of Christ?
- Attitude
- What should be a person's attitude toward a pastor?
- Authors
- How do you anser one who says the Revelation was written by several authors?
- Autonomy
- Even though a person has shown repentance should a congregation stay withdrawn from them?
- Baby
- Should an unwed, unrepentant mother be allowed to participate in a baby dedication in church?
- Babylon
- What does the Bible say about Babylon? My humanities text seems to disagree with things I learned about Babylon.
- Who can make war with the beast, Babylon?
- Backbiter
- How do I deal with a backbiter at work?
- Baptist
- Thank you for a balanced answer about baptist doctrine, but I still disagree with Church of Christ doctrine.
- What are similarities and differences between Baptist and Pentecostal theology?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Catholic doctrine?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Lutheran doctrines?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Methodist doctrines?
- What does the Bible say about Catholics, Baptists, and Protestants?
- What sets the church of Christ apart from the Disciples of Christ or Baptists?
- Baptism
- Can a woman baptize another woman, or even a man?
- Does a person baptized in another religion have to be baptized again?
- Do you feel baptism has anything to do with salvation? Isn't baptism a work, and we are saved by God and not by works?
- Does the Bible say that water baptism no longer exists and the only way you can be baptized is with the Holy Spirit?
- How can you say baptism is essential to salvation if Cornelius had the Holy Spirit before he was baptized?
- How can you say Jesus baptized when the Bible says he didn't?
- How do I answer students who don't want to be baptized because they are afraid they will regret it later?
- How do I show people that infants need not be baptized?
- How do we resolve the debate over whether baptism is necessary? What about infants and those who haven't heard the gospel?
- How did Peter know Cornelius and his household had received Holy Spirit baptism?
- I am deathly afraid of being under water. How can I be baptized?
- If I didn't fully understand what I was doing when I was baptized, should I do it again?
- In your opinion, should one wait to be baptized?
- Is it true most Catholics won't go to heaven because they don't ask Jesus into their heart?
- Is sprinkling baptism?
- Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit when the Spririt takes up residence in a person?
- Is there any reason to have a second/third/etc. baptism?
- Please explain 1 Cor 1:17 about Paul not being sent to baptize?
- Please give me details on baptism. Who? How? Why? When? Etc.
- Should I be baptized? And doesn't God forgive everyone who asks him to?
- Thank you for a balanced answer about baptist doctrine, but I still disagree with Church of Christ doctrine.
- What about the thief on the Cross? Why didn't Jesus baptize? Might not baptism be just immersion in the Word?
- What does the Bible mean when it talks about being baptized for the dead?
- What is salvation? Please explain how to lead someone at about 4 to 18 years old.
- What is the difference between confirmation and baptism?
- What is the difference between salvation and being born again?
- What should you know before getting baptized? And where do I find someone who will baptize me?
- Why was Jesus baptized if he had no sin of which to repent?
- You say Jeffrey Dahmer was saved? Was he baptized?
- Bamboo
- Should I keep some lucky bamboo I received as a gift?
- Bastard
- What does the Bible mean when it uses the word "bastard"?
- Beast
- Is Satan ruling on earth now? Are people receiving the mark of the beast? Will I be here when Revelation 13 happens?
- What is the significance of 666?
- Who can make war with the beast, Babylon?
- Why could not the beast of the Revelation be the Catholic Church?
- Why is the number of the beast 666 and not 777?
- Beggars
- Did Jesus give cash to beggars in Gallilee?
- Beginnings
- What about evolution? Cavemen? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
- When did the world begin? What do BC and AD mean?
- Where did God come from?
- Between
- What happens between death and the resurrection? And how does cremation affect resurrection?
- Where did Jesus go before his resurrection, Heaven or Hell?
- Bible
- A show I saw says our translation of the Bible has been censored? How can a man censor God's word?
- Are there really missing books of the Bible?
- Does the Bible encourage incest and adultery, as my mother says?
- Does the Bible say to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is silent?
- Have the "Bible Codes" predicted the end of the world?
- How can I know all of man's laws and God's laws?
- How does God authenticate that the Bible comes from him?
- How do I convince someone that not all the Bible is to be taken literally?
- How do I know which denomination is right? Is my preacher a false prophet?
- How do you anser one who says the Revelation was written by several authors?
- How many years did it take to write the Bible?
- How should one interpret the Bible; with a literal or liberal interpretation?
- If the Bible is full of contradictions, and Koran is not, why should I believe the Bible?
- Is it necessary that a preacher or pastor have read the entire Bible?
- Some sites say the New King James Version is bad. What do you think?
- Was Adam married to Lilith before Eve? Why did some Popes change the Bible?
- Were the books sometimes called the Apocrypha originally part of the Bible?
- What book of the Bible was written in King Tut's time?
- What is Islam's view of Jesus? Is the Koran better because it doesn't have two testaments?
- What is the best version of the Bible to use? Why did people change the wording of the Bible?
- What is the difference between the Old and New Testaments? When and by whom were they written?
- What is the perfect will of God? Where can it be found in the Bible?
- What is the validity of the document known as "The Didache"?
- When was the Bible first written?
- Who was Cain's wife? The Bible tends not to mention women.
- Why do you believe in the Bible and not the Koran? (and other topics related to Islam)
- Why do you believe the Bible is not just some men's writings? There are other ways to heaven.
- Why do you believe the Bible is true?
- Why don't all Bibles put the words of Jesus in red or capitalize pronouns referring to God?
- Why is Matthew's gospel longer than the others?
- Why is the King James Version the most popular translation when it is full of errors?
- Why is the Law of Moses included in Christian Bibles?
- Why was the Book of Enoch not included in the Bible?
- Bible Class
- What does the Bible say about Sunday School? Is this a case of man trying to improve on God's word?
- Big Bang
- How should Christians react to the Nobel Prize in physics being given to researchers studying the "Big Bang"?
- If the stars were to give light to earth, why did God make some stars we can't see?
- Bigamy
- Since the Bible tells of men who were married to more than one wife, where did the concept of one-man/one-woman begin?
- Bigotry
- What about these quotes from Talmud that show Jews to be intolerant of Gentiles?
- Where can I find what the Bible says about intolerance, bigotry, obsession, addiction, enslavement?
- Birth
- Are childbirth and menstruation punishments for Eve's sin?
- Did our souls exist before we were born, and if so where were they?
- Does Jesus say anything about celebrating his birth or resurrection?
- What are the birth dates for John the Baptist and Jesus?
- Where is the scripture that says we should mourn a birth and celebrate a death?
- Birth Control
- What does the Bible say about birth control?
- Bisexual
- Is it wrong to be bisexual? Where do such thoughts come from? How can I stop them?
- Black
- Where in the Bible are Black Africans mentioned?
- Blame
- Can God be called a murderer because he does not prevent storms from killing people?
- If we thank God for good things, can we blame him when bad things happen?
- Blasphemy
- I think I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Am I lost forever with no hope of forgiveness?
- Is it blasphemy of the spirit to say "when the spirit moves me?"
- What does the Bible say about blasphemy, the unforgivable sin?
- Who receives the worse punishment, a blasphemer or someone who believes in different god?
- Blind
- If the blind aren't supposed to lead the blind, can I, a sinner, teach others about Christ?
- Blood
- If blood and water came out of Jesus when he was stabbed on the cross, how would one know it was a combination of blood and water?
- What does the Bible say about eating cooked blood?
- Why do Jehovah's Witnesses object to blood transfusions?
- Boaz
- Was Boaz divorced before he married Ruth? Wouldn't that be adultery?
- Bodies
- Did Jesus literally mean to cut off body parts? Isn't that destroying his temple?
- If Adam and Eve's bodies were perfect before the fall, did they have abilities we no longer have?
- Is it a sin if I get my navel pierced?
- What does the Bible say about tattoos and marking one's body?
- What form do you take in heaven, youth or your real age? Are there different parts of heaven?
- Where does the Bible say nobody can be without sin while in the flesh?
- Bond
- Where does the Bible say we must distance ourselves from parents to bond with a spouse?
- Bones
- How do you respond to the claim that people have found the tomb and bones of Jesus?
- Book of Enoch
- Why was the Book of Enoch not included in the Bible?
- Books
- Is it a sin to own and read books about other religions?
- What are the books that will be opened at the end of time?
- Born Again
- What is the difference between salvation and being born again?
- Why don't Catholics believe in being born again?
- Bottomless Pit
- Are hell and the bottomless pit of Revelation two different things?
- Boxing
- What are the first three sports mentioned in the Bible?
- Boys
- Is it wrong for boys and girls in the church to be friends? How should we act toward each other?
- Braids
- Is it wrong for a man to wear braids?
- Buddhist
- My school offers a class in Yoga. Would it be wrong for me to take it?
- Burial
- How do you respond to the claim that people have found the tomb and bones of Jesus?
- Where is the Shroud of Turin mentioned in the Bible?
- Business
- I know a business opportunity but my wife won't let me mortgage the house to get into it. What should I do?
- What does the Bible say about business?
- What does the Bible say about conducting church business through a congregational business meeting?
- By-Laws
- Where does the Bible say a congregation has to have elders, deacons, associate pastors, and by-laws?
- Cain
- Who was Cain's wife? The Bible tends not to mention women.
- Calling
- If a woman says God called her to preach is she wrong?
- What does the Bible say about sinners calling on the name of the Lord?
- Calvin
- Does the Bible teach "once saved, always saved?"
- Do we have free will?
- Candy
- What does the Bible say about candy? What is God trying to tell me by sending me dreams of people giving me candy?
- Canon
- Did one person decide what books would be in the New Testament? Why isn't the Gospel of Thomas one of them?
- Why was the Book of Enoch not included in the Bible?
- Capital Punishment
- Is capital punishment allowed?
- Captive
- Could the Israelites marry captives? The Bible appears contradictory on this.
- Cash
- Did Jesus give cash to beggars in Gallilee?
- Cast Out
- Who, if anybody, cast Satan out of heaven?
- Catholic
- What are the differences between Baptist and Catholic doctrine?
- What are the differences between Catholic and Pentecostal doctrines?
- What does the Bible say about Catholics, Baptists, and Protestants?
- Why could not the beast of the Revelation be the Catholic Church?
- Why don't Catholics believe in being born again?
- Cavemen
- What about evolution? Cavemen? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
- Celebrate
- Does Jesus say anything about celebrating his birth or resurrection?
- Where is the scripture that says we should mourn a birth and celebrate a death?
- Why do churches celebrate pagan holidays? We were told which holy days to celebrate.
- Celibacy
- Since the Bible says celibacy is good, why does it also say to multiply?
- Censor
- A show I saw says our translation of the Bible has been censored? How can a man censor God's word?
- Ceremonial Law
- Who divided the Law of Moses into moral and dietary laws?
- Ceremony
- I am in a common law marriage. What does the Bible say about infidelity if no wedding ceremony took place?
- Where does the Bible say a marriage ceremony is a must?
- Where in the Bible do I find the marriage ceremony that is commonly used?
- Chaldea
- What does the Bible say about Babylon? My humanities text seems to disagree with things I learned about Babylon.
- Childbirth
- Are childbirth and menstruation punishments for Eve's sin?
- Children
- Are there any scriptures that say what will happen to somebody who mistreats children?
- Are we required to honor a parent who is a terrible sinner?
- At what age does a child become accountable for his sins?
- Does the Bible say the parent will answer for their children?
- Does the Bible say we have to have kids?
- Does the Bible say we should discipline children by spanking them?
- If "ALL have sinned," how can you say retarded people will go to heaven? What about Original Sin?
- If I am a Christian are my children automatically saved?
- Should an unwed, unrepentant mother be allowed to participate in a baby dedication in church?
- What are your thoughts about separate children's worship?
- What can we do to be good parents to our children?
- What does the Bible mean when it uses the word "bastard"?
- What does the Bible say about child molestation?
- What does the Bible say about Jesus having a wife and children?
- What does the Bible say about a woman working or going to school with children at home?
- What is the role of children in worship? Should they be given their own worship assembly?
- What shoud I do about a disrespectful child?
- What will be the eternal state of my retarded child?
- Who were the sons of God who married children of men in Genesis 6?Christians
- Can a person be just a Christian without being in a denomination?
- How can someone who swears and commits adultery call themselves a Christian?
- Is it wrong to wonder if a person is really a Christian when they don't act like one?
- What percentage of people are Christians?
- Will all Christian groups be saved?
- You say that for ten years there were only Jewish Christians. Isn't "Jewish" a religion separate from Christianity?
- Christmas
- Does Jesus say anything about celebrating his birth or resurrection?
- Choice
- I don't think I made a choice at age four to be a homosexual.
- If Adam and Eve's bodies were perfect before the fall, did they have abilities we no longer have?
- I know homosexual acts are wrong. How do I change my desires?
- Is homosexuality a choice?
- Church
- Can a church have no elders if nobody is qualified?
- Can we punish a person who holds a position in the church for something based on hearsay?
- Does a congregation have to have elders?
- Does God allow governments to start wars? What about pacifism, gun control, and separation of church and state?
- Does Hebrews 10:26 mean I am forever lost since I left the church?
- Does it matter what name a Christian wears?
- Does the Bible mandate a type of music in worship? Must singing be only congregational?
- Does the Bible say the worship should be orderly? Some congregations seem to have no order of worship.
- Do I have to go to church to be saved? Do I have to confess to a priest?
- How do I answer someone who says we are not a full-gospel church because we don't speak in tongues?
- How do I know which denomination is right? Is my preacher a false prophet?
- How does God's promise to David in 1 Chronicles 17 apply today?
- How should we remember Good Friday in the church?
- I like that your site is unbiased. Do you believe in any specific religion?
- Is it a sin to miss assemblies of the church?
- Is it true that we need to choose a "church home?"
- Is it wrong for boys and girls in the church to be friends? How should we act toward each other?
- I would like to have information about the history of the church and beginning of denominations?
- My Pentecostal in-laws say ours is a dead church. How do I respond?
- Please explain the entire chapter 20 of the Revelation.
- The church is a place of worship full of hypocrites. I don't have to go to church to be where Jesus is.
- Todays churches do more to drive people away from the Christian religion. Is it a sin not to go to church?
- What are the limits on the use of the church treasury?
- What are the qualifications to be a leader in the church?
- What are your thoughts about separate children's worship?
- What did Jesus mean about not drinking the fruit of the vine again until in the kingdom?
- What does the Bible say about conducting church business through a congregational business meeting?
- What does the Bible say about discrimination against some churches?
- What does the Bible say about going to church?
- What does the Bible say about how churches should raise money?
- What does the Bible say about regularly attending a church without joining it?
- What does the Bible say about selling as a way of making money for the church?
- What does the Bible say about singing and dancing in church?
- What does the Bible say about Sunday School? Is this a case of man trying to improve on God's word?
- What is a woman's role in the church? What can she do or not do?
- What is Ezekiel talking about in his prophecy of the new Temple?
- What is the difference between going to church and watching it on television?
- What is the role of children in worship? Should they be given their own worship assembly?
- Where did Jesus ever say he would establish a church? Why would he establish such a ritualistic and traditional organization?
- Where does the Bible say a congregation has to have elders, deacons, associate pastors, and by-laws?
- Who are the 144,000?
- Why do some teach that the church can't support orphan's homes and preacher schools?
- Would it be OK for my boyfriend to change congregations from where he learned about Christ to where I worship?
- Churches
- Are the two witnesses in Revelation 11 two churches earlier in the book?
- If only one of the seven churches was promised the tree of life, do the others not have eternal life?
- What does the Bible say about "church jumping?"
- What does the Bible say about spouses attending different churches?
- What does the Bible say about discriminating against churches?
- Why do churches celebrate pagan holidays? We were told which holy days to celebrate.
- Will all Christian groups be saved?
- Church of Christ
- What sets the church of Christ apart from the Disciples of Christ or Baptists?
- What is the difference between liberal and conservative?
- Would it be wrong for me to attend a "conservative" church of Christ?
- Cigarettes
- What does the Bible say about smoking?
- Circumcision
- Are all Christian men circumcised?
- Classification
- In heaven are there clasifications like least and greatest?
- Clean
- Are the unclean animals Noah took on the ark the same as unclean animals under the Law of Moses?
- Cleanliness
- What does the Bible say about physical cleanliness? About being overweight?
- Cleave
- What does the Bible say about a husband who won't leave an adoring mother?
- Where does the Bible say we must distance ourselves from parents to bond with a spouse?
- Cloning
- What does the Bible say about human cloning?
- Clothes
- Can Christians wear jewelry?
- Do women have to wear skirts and long hair?
- What does the Bible say about men wearing earrings?
- What does the Bible say about our appearance and its influence?
- What does the Bible say about what a woman can wear?
- What is meant by wearing clothes pertaining to a man?
- Codes
- Have the "Bible Codes" predicted the end of the world?
- College
- What does the Bible say about going to college, when college takes time away from studying God's word?
- Commands
- If Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath as commanded, explain Rev 14:12.
- Your article said you weren't under the Ten Commandments. Doesn't every word of the Bible apply to everyone?
- Where do I find the Ten Commandments?
- Communicate
- Can people speak to the dead using a Ouija (Quija) board?
- Communion
- How often does the Bible say we are supposed to take the Lord's Supper?
- Compassion
- A woman in our church says the church is not compassionate enough. What can I do to show her otherwise?
- In an answer on evolution you said only man cares for the sick? What about animals who care for their sick?
- Compromise
- If God hates divorce, is allowing it for adultery a compromise on God's part?
- Concordance
- Where can I find references to insects? (or any other topic)
- Concubine
- What does the Bible say about concubines?
- Confession
- Do I have to go to church to be saved? Do I have to confess to a priest?
- Confidential
- If I tell a minister I am gay, can he tell my family or anyone he wants to tell?
- Confirm
- If I think I get a message from God, should I wait for other confirmation that it is truly God's will?
- Confirmation
- What is the difference between confirmation and baptism?
- Confront
- Should I confront a Christian who is sinning, or let it alone?
- Congregation
- Would it be OK for my boyfriend to change congregations from where he learned about Christ to where I worship?
- Conservative
- How should one interpret the Bible; with a literal or liberal interpretation?
- What is the difference between liberal and conservative?
- Contraception
- What does the Bible say about birth control?
- Contradictions
- Could the Israelites marry captives? The Bible appears contradictory on this.
- If the Bible is full of contradictions, and Koran is not, why should I believe the Bible?
- Cornelius
- How did Peter know Cornelius and his household had received Holy Spirit baptism?
- Where does the name Cornelius come from?
- Cosigning
- What does the Bible say about cosigning a loan or mortgage?
- Cousin
- Does the Bible prohibit me from marrying my cousin's ex-husband?
- What does the Bible say about marrying a cousin?
- Courtship
- What does the Bible say about courtship? If I am courting one woman can I kiss another?
- Covering
- What does the Bible say about requiring head coverings for women?
- Creation
- Did God create the planets? Why do so if they serve no purpose?
- How long were the days of Genesis 1?
- If the stars were to give light to earth, why did God make some stars we can't see?
- What about evolution? Cavemen? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
- Where did God come from?
- Why do evolutionists and creationists seem so opposed to each other?
- Cremation
- Does scripture support cremation?
- What happens between death and the resurrection? And how does cremation affect resurrection?
- Cross
- Are religious symbols wrong? (A question about a previous answer.)
- If blood and water came out of Jesus when he was stabbed on the cross, how would one know it was a combination of blood and water?
- Is it wrong to have a picture of Mary in my house? To wear a cross or a fish?
- Is the Jehovah's Witness insistence that Jesus died on a stake instead of a cross false doctrine?
- The Jehovah's Witnesses say Jesus died on a stake, not a cross. Which is right?
- What about the thief on the Cross? Why didn't Jesus baptize? Might not baptism be just immersion in the Word?
- Cross Dressing
- What is meant by wearing clothes pertaining to a man?
- Cube
- Where, besides the Revelation, is there a perfect cube in the Bible?
- Cult
- How do we know Jesus is who he said he was and not just a cult leader like Charles Manson?
- Culture
- Wasn't what Paul said about women keeping silent in the church only for the culture of his time?
- Cussing
- What is your view on cussing?
- Customs
- Where can I find a list of pagan practices that have become modern customs?
- Cut
- Did Jesus literally mean to cut off body parts? Isn't that destroying his temple?
- Cutting
- Is cutting a sin?
- Cymbals
- My friend says the cymbals in Psalm 150 were really drums so he can listen to music with a worldly beat.
- Dahmer
- You say Jeffrey Dahmer was saved? Was he baptized?
- Dancing
- Can somebody say they are dancing in the Spirit if they had to rehearse first?
- Is it wrong to dance?
- What does the Bible say about dancing? Can we dance at weddings or with someone not our spouse?
- What does the Bible say about dancing in the Spirit?
- What does the Bible say about a person dancing with someone not their spouse?
- What does the Bible say about singing and dancing in church?
- Where does the Bible list the people who danced in worship to God?
- Daniel
- Is Jesus the person condemned in Daniel for changing laws and times?
- What is the significance of Daniel 11:40? Who are the King of the North and the King of the South?
- What kind of food did Daniel refuse? Since the legion of demons went into swine does that make eating pork wrong?
- Dates
- When did the world begin? What do BC and AD mean?
- Dating
- What does the Bible say about kissing while you are dating?
- David
- How does God's promise to David in 1 Chronicles 17 apply today?
- DaVinci
- What about The DaVinci Code? Was Jesus really married?
- Who is the woman in the portrait of the Last Supper?
- Day
- How long were the days of Genesis 1?
- Is "the Lord's Day" in the Bible Sunday, Saturday, or some other day?
- Should the Lord's Supper be taken during the day or at night?
- Why could the days of Genesis not be thousands of our years?
- Deacon
- Can deacons fire the pastor? What are the duties of deacons?
- If 1 Timothy 3 says a deacon's spouse must be a believer, why do you insist a deacon must be male?
- What are the qualifications to be a leader in the church?
- Where does the Bible say a congregation has to have elders, deacons, associate pastors, and by-laws?
- Dead
- My Pentecostal in-laws say ours is a dead church. How do I respond?
- Please explain 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 about the dead rising first?
- What does the Bible mean when it talks about being baptized for the dead?
- Deadly
- Where does the Bible list the seven deadly sins?
- Death
- Can people speak to the dead using a Ouija (Quija) board?
- Do the dead in heaven remember us?
- Does the Bible say it is wrong to talk to the dead? Will we recognize each other in heaven?
- Does the Bible say that every person has a predetermined time to die?
- I heard a preacher say the spirit stays on earth 30 days after a person dies. Is this true?
- If the spirit returns to God at death, does that mean everyone goes to heaven?
- Is it wrong to watch John Edward's show where he claims to talk to the dead?
- What are the two resurrections in Rev. 20? Don't people go straight to heaven when they die?
- What does the Bible say about discrimination against some churches?
- What happens between death and the resurrection? And how does cremation affect resurrection?
- What is death, biblically?
- What is the state of the soul of one who commits suicide?
- What will be the eternal state of my retarded child?
- When a person dies can you see them again?
- Where do animals go when they die?
- Where does the Bible say a man was killed by touching the ark of the covenant?
- Where does the Bible say Jesus preached to people in Hell and took the keys of death and Hades from Satan?
- Where is the scripture that says we should mourn a birth and celebrate a death?
- Who was the first person to die for believing in God?
- Will God let my pet be with me in heaven?
- Will it do any good to repent at the judgement after you die?
- Death Penalty
- Is capital punishment allowed?
- Debt
- I know a business opportunity but my wife won't let me mortgage the house to get into it. What should I do?
- What does the Bible say about cosigning a loan or mortgage?
- What penalties does the Bible give for debt? How do I get out of debt?
- Dedication
- How should we conduct a dedication service for a church bus?
- Should an unwed, unrepentant mother be allowed to participate in a baby dedication in church?
- Defend
- Can a person defend themselves physically if they didn't provoke the attack?
- Degrees
- What does the Bible say about different degrees of sin?
- Demon Possession
- Can an evil spirit take over your body? How do you get rid of an evil spirit?
- Denominations
- Can a person be just a Christian without being in a denomination?
- Does it matter what name a Christian wears?
- How do I know which denomination is right? Is my preacher a false prophet?
- I like that your site is unbiased. Do you believe in any specific religion?
- I would like to have information about the history of the church and beginning of denominations?
- What does the Bible say about Catholics, Baptists, and Protestants?
- What does the Bible say about discriminating against churches?
- What does the Bible say about spouses attending different churches?
- Why are there so many denominations and how do I know which one is right?
- Devil
- Can I have sold my soul to the devil without worshiping him?
- Did God create hell at the beginning or when Satan fell?
- Does God allow Satan to gather souls of men?
- Does Satan have angels?
- How can you say that Lucifer is not Satan? Lucifer is the Antichrist incarnate.
- If Satan is not the ruler of hell why did Jesus go there after he died?
- Is Lucifer a beautiful angel, as my teachers tell me?
- Is Satan in hell now, or on earth?
- Is Satan ruling on earth now? Are people receiving the mark of the beast? Will I be here when Revelation 13 happens?
- Please explain the entire chapter 20 of the Revelation.
- What does the Bible say about war between fallen angels and God's host?
- What will happen to hell after the judgement? Will Satan be in charge in hell?
- Where does the Bible say Jesus preached to people in Hell and took the keys of death and Hades from Satan?
- Where does the Bible say the earth belongs to Satan?
- Who, if anybody, cast Satan out of heaven?
- Why is there evil in the world, and why did God create the Devil?
- Why should we love our enemies? Does this mean Jesus loves Satan?
- Didache
- What is the validity of the document known as "The Didache"?
- Dietary Laws
- Who divided the Law of Moses into moral and dietary laws?
- Dinosaurs
- Did the dinosaurs die out because God cursed them in the Garden of Eden to move on their belly?
- What about evolution? Cavemen? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
- What does the Bible say about the extinction of the dinosaurs?
- Disasters
- Are natural disasters signs of the end of the world?
- Disciples of Christ
- What sets the church of Christ apart from the Disciples of Christ or Baptists?
- Discipline
- Can we punish a person who holds a position in the church for something based on hearsay?
- Does the Bible say we should discipline children by spanking them?
- Discrimination
- What does the Bible say about discrimination?
- Disease
- Are AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases a punishment for homosexuality?
- What does the Bible say about health and about certain diseases
- Disfellowship
- Even though a person has shown repentance should a congregation stay withdrawn from them?
- Divorce
- Can a man who has been divorced be a pastor?
- Does the Bible say a woman can't divorce an adulterous husband?
- Does the Bible say a woman must stay with an abusive husband?
- Does God want me to stay in a marriage when my husband refuses to have sex with me?
- Do I have to stay with my husband if I don't love him?
- I am in a bad marriage to a porn addict. Can I get a divorce for adultery in the heart?
- If a man leaves his wife for another, should he go back to the first wife?
- If a man's addiction to porn keeps him from having sex with his wife, is that marital infidelity that would justify divorce?
- If a person divorces, and then finds out the spouse was unfaithful, can the person remarry?
- If an unbeliever was divorced, became a believer, then remarried, is the marriage scriptural?
- If God hates divorce, is allowing it for adultery a compromise on God's part?
- If my wife didn't love me when we got married, can I get a divorce for false pretences?
- Should we not associate in the church with a divorced person who has married again?
- Was Boaz divorced before he married Ruth? Wouldn't that be adultery?
- What can a spouse do if the other spouse insists on leaving?
- What does God say about adultery and divorce?
- What does the Bible say about separating (not a divorce) from a spouse? Can we forgive a spouse and love them again?
- What is a wife to do if a husband keeps committing adultery?
- Why don't you list abandonment and other biblical reasons for divorce?
- Doctrine
- Is the doctrine of the "Law of One" from Satan?
- Is Rastafarianism a religion or a movement? Are there parts of it in which Christians can participate?
- Thank you for a balanced answer about baptist doctrine, but I still disagree with Church of Christ doctrine.
- What are similarities and differences between Baptist and Pentecostal theology?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Catholic doctrine?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Lutheran doctrines?
- What are the differences between Baptist and Methodist doctrines?
- What are the differences between Catholic and Pentecostal doctrines?
- What sets the church of Christ apart from the Disciples of Christ or Baptists?
- Why do the churches of Christ add men's traditions in the guise of being "safe"?
- Donoation
- You were wrong to say that God and Allah are not the same?
- Door
- Does the Bible authorize door knocking or condemn it?
- Doubt
- Why was Zacharias punished for doubting God, but Mary wasn't?
- Dreams
- I have been dreaming about Satan smothering me. Is this dream sent by Satan?
- Is God trying to tell me something in my dreams?
- What does it mean if I dreamed I caused the rapture and was left behind?
- What does the Bible say about candy? What is God trying to tell me by sending me dreams of people giving me candy?
- You say God no longer speaks to us in dreams. What about Paul's vision in Acts 16?
- Dress
- Do women have to wear skirts and long hair?
- What does the Bible say about what a woman can wear?
- What is meant by wearing clothes pertaining to a man?
- Drinking
- What does the Bible say about drinking/drunkenness? Why don't Christians agree on what it says?
- Drugs
- Are methadone treatments allowed medical procedures or just further drug abuse?
- What does the Bible say about illegal drugs?
- Drums
- My friend says the cymbals in Psalm 150 were really drums so he can listen to music with a worldly beat.
- Drunk
- If it is bad to get drunk, how do you explain Proverbs 31:6-7?
- Earrings
- What does the Bible say about men wearing earrings?
- Earth
- How can you say Jesus will not set foot on earth again when Zechariah 14 says he will?
- If the stars were to give light to earth, why did God make some stars we can't see?
- What is the new earth?
- When did the world begin? What do BC and AD mean?
- Where does the Bible say the earth belongs to Satan?
- Will people be married in the New Earth?
- Easter
- Does Jesus say anything about celebrating his birth or resurrection?
- Is it a sin for me not to eat lamb on Easter?
- Why celebrate Easter? Most celebrations include things from pagan religions. And if Jesus died on Friday, how is Sunday three days later?
- Eating
- Based on passages in the Law of Moses, can we eat meat or cut our hair?
- Is it a sin to be a vegetarian?
- Is it wrong to eat pork? Didn't God say not to call anything unclean if he says it is clean?
- Jesus told you not to eat pork. Why do you say you can?
- Were you inconsistent to use the Ten Commandments in an answer, yet say we can eat pork?
- What does the Bible say about eating cooked blood?
- What does the Bible say about eating food offered to idols?
- What is the difference between the plants men and animals were allowed to eat?
- What kind of food did Daniel refuse? Since the legion of demons went into swine does that make eating pork wrong?
- Where is it written that you can't eat meat on Good Friday?
- Education
- Is sex education wrong? Learning to play a musical instrument? Are there limits to what we can learn?
- What does the Bible say about getting an education?
- Edward, John
- Is it wrong to watch John Edward's show where he claims to talk to the dead?
- Elder
- Can a church have no elders if nobody is qualified?
- Can a man who has been divorced be a pastor?
- Can deacons fire the pastor? What are the duties of deacons?
- Does a congregation have to have elders?
- If an elder's wife dies does he have to quit being an elder?
- What are the qualifications to be a leader in the church?
- What should be a person's attitude toward a pastor?
- Where does the Bible say a congregation has to have elders, deacons, associate pastors, and by-laws?
- Who were the 24 elders in Revelation? What kind of angel will I be?
- Eleven
- What does it mean if I keep seeing the number eleven?
- Elijah
- Were John the Baptist and Elijah the same person?
- Elisha
- In 1 Kings 19, why did Elisha destroy all his farm equipment instead of leaving it for his workers?
- Elohim
- Where can I find the word "Elohim" in the Bible?
- Why does Genesis 1:26 use the words "we" and "us"?
- Encounter
- Are encounters or retreats scriptural?
- End
- All this talk about the end of the world coming in 2007 is scaring me. I am not ready. What do you have to say about all this?
- Are natural disasters signs of the end of the world?
- Have the "Bible Codes" predicted the end of the world?
- How can you say the rapture is not taught in the Bible when the word is in 1 Thessalonians?
- If the world is to end what will happen to humanity, nevertheless God?
- Is an article about prophecies of the end of the world correct?
- What are the signs of the end of the world?
- When will the world end? Will some be left on earth? Why does God make people he knows will go to hell?
- Where does the Bible say that the end of the world will involve insects?
- Will the world end in 2007? What about prophecies of the end?
- Will there be a pretribulation rapture?
- Enemy
- Why should we love our enemies? Does this mean Jesus loves Satan?
- Enoch
- Why was the Book of Enoch not included in the Bible?
- Enslavement
- Where can I find what the Bible says about intolerance, bigotry, obsession, addiction, enslavement?
- Entertainment
- Is violence in entertainment sacrilegious?
- Essenes
- Was Jesus a member of the Nazarene Essene Community?
- Essential
- How can you say baptism is essential to salvation if Cornelius had the Holy Spirit before he was baptized?
- Eternity
- If only one of the seven churches was promised the tree of life, do the others not have eternal life?
- Where did God come from?
- Eucharist
- How often does the Bible say we are supposed to take the Lord's Supper?
- What does the Bible say about when to take the Lord's Supper?
- What is the meaning of the Lord's Supper? Is it a commemoration or do the elements become the body and blood?
- Evangelism
- If God gave us everything, why do we need to give to the church? Shouldn't a preacher preach for free?
- If the blind aren't supposed to lead the blind, can I, a sinner, teach others about Christ?
- What is better, to plant a seed and let it go, or to press the issue?
- Why aren't Christians excited about sharing the good news?
- Evangelist
- Some preachers now want to be called evangelists. What is the difference between a preacher, minister, and evangelist?
- Eve (Chava)
- Are childbirth and menstruation punishments for Eve's sin?
- If Adam and Eve were the first people, did they commit incest?
- Was Adam married to Lilith before Eve? Why did some Popes change the Bible?
- Why didn't God give Adam and Eve a second chance, like he later gave Israel?
- Evening
- Some people say we shouldn't have evening worship services. What does the Bible say?
- Evidence
- Are all non-Christians lost without hope? And can you prove Christianity is real?
- Evil
- Why does God allow bad things to happen to Christians?
- Why is there evil in the world, and why did God create the Devil?
- Evil Spirits
- A woman says that if I see my daughter an evil spirit will come on me? What can I do?
- Can an evil spirit take over your body? How do you get rid of an evil spirit?
- Evolution
- A friend said there was no grass before the Ice Age? When was the Ice Age?
- How long were the days of Genesis 1?
- In an answer on evolution you said only man cares for the sick? What about animals who care for their sick?
- My friend is always badmouthing God. How do I convince her He is real? And how did I convince her evolution is false?
- What about evolution? Cavemen? Are there dinosaurs in the Bible?
- Why could the days of Genesis not be thousands of our years?
- You mislead people in your answer about how to refute evolution.
- Why do evolutionists and creationists seem so opposed to each other?
- Example
- What does the Bible say about being an actor? Can I play someone who sins onstage?
- What does the Bible say about going to a party where a stripper will be dancing?
- What does the Bible say about teens and sexual relations?
- Execution
- Do the Old Testament laws about executing homosexuals apply today? Doe the Bible talk about lesbians?
- Is capital punishment allowed?
- Exorcism
- Can an evil spirit take over your body? How do you get rid of an evil spirit?
- Expectations
- What does the Bible say to one who expects the best from everyone?
- Extraterrestrial
- Does the Bible say anything about extraterrestrial life?
- Ezekiel
- How long was the reed in Ezekiel 48?
- What is Ezekiel talking about in his prophecy of the new Temple?